Hi all
Well I'm in the usual panic for Christmas
I have no excuses this time,
Just the normal distractions,
I've take in some rescue kitties,
I did t think I was getting them till
Next weekend but it's fabulous to have then early
There were found in a garage
Terrified and filthy
But there getting better day by day
Bertie is ginger but has no tail:( hence the
Name Bertie Bob tail,
It really doesn't seem to bother him at all
He's a right confident bundle of energy
But suffer with up set tummies again
They don't seem to bother him.
Then there's his brother Gus
Black and white with a face to melt your heart
Buts he's still struggling with confidence
So we had to get him a cage to get him use to us
After a day he was happy playing eating
Generally doing and look like a kitty
But at the moment he need the security of the cage
We get him out and fuss and stroke him
But he can't seen to manage to enjoy it yet,
He did stit up on my lap yersterday
So I'm hopefull we will get there.
Any way on to my card
I've been struggling with my card design
To post this year
So I think I've got it it's a stages head I love this stamp
But think it looks best left simple
A bit of mirri card and matting and layering
Hope you like it
Happy crafting
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